Facts for Parents is an annual publication containing updated information relevant to all San Diego Unified School District families including local, state, and federal policy issues that may impact their student(s).
- Welcome letter from Cindy Marten
- Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Policies
- Uniform Discipline Plan
- Health Requirements
- Parent/Guardian Rights
- Student Records and Rights
- Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
- English Learner Program Option
- At School
- Attendance
- Technology
- Forms
- Universal Form (required)
- Pesticide Use & Notification Form (optional)
Parents are legally entitled to and should receive an updated booklet at the beginning of each school year. A signed Universal Form shows that parents have received this information, and a copy of the form should be maintained by the school during the school year.
Download/view the 2015-16 Facts for Parents booklet:
- Cambodian (coming soon)
- Tagalog (coming soon)
- Vietnamese (coming soon)
See also
Parent Forms (Universal & Pesticide)
Facts for Parents Feedback & Suggestions