Financial Planning, Monitoring and Accountability Department
BirdRock Elementary
Non-Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Bird Rock Elementary has developed a written Non-Title I parental involvement policy with input from Non-Title I parents. This policy was developed with input from the SSC, and parent input from Principal Chats
It has been distributed the policy to parents of Non-Title I students via the school website.
The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Non-Title I parental involvement requirements [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(a)-(f)inclusive].
Involvement of Parents in the Non-Title I Program
To involve parents in the Non-Title I program at BRE, the following practices have been established:
The school involves parents of Non-Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, *review, and improvement of the school's Non-Title I programs and the Non-Title I parental
involvement policy. ** Parents are involved through SSC, Foundation, and Governance meetings.
The school provides parents of Non-Title I students with timely information about Non-Title I programs. This occurs through e-blasts, and at SSC, Governance, and Foundation meetings.
The school provides parents of Non-Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. This occurs at Back to School Night and throughout the year at SSC, Governance, and Foundation meetings as well as Principal Chat's.
If requested by parents of Non-Title I students, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. This includes Principal Chat's, SSC and Governance meetings
**The policy must be updated periodically to meet changing needs of parents and the school. If the school has a process in place for involving parents in planning and designing the school's programs, the school may use that process if it includes adequate representation of parents of Non-Title I children. [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c) (3)]